The essence of community

The essence of community

It’s wonderful to read the below feedback from the recently organised Pinktober breakfast at Clifton Old Bar; it so accurately captures the community spirit we strive for:
“It was just so easy to hold the Breast Cancer Research fundraiser in the Clifton clubhouse. It’s a lovely venue! And we were supported so well initially by our site manager, Steve, who was so helpful in our planning stage as well as the Social Committee President, Dave, who spent time talking to us to help make the event run smoothly. We were no sooner in the clubhouse to set up when Ross arrived to help in any way he could. Then Allen and Denise turned up and were so very helpful and generous especially with the decorations. Lots of Clifton ladies came along for the afternoon along with friends from various groups to support the fundraiser generously. Hubbies, Mike and Simon were happy helpers with their pink hat, bowtie and feather boa. In the clean-up, Ross turned up again to vacuum, put away chairs and tables and get rid of the rubbish. What a great worker!! What a great community we live in.
It was a wonderful afternoon and we raised far more than expected for Breast Cancer Research. Thankyou so much Clifton and everyone. 💓💓
Congratulations on such a wonderful effort raising much needed funds for breast cancer research. A cause close to many of our hearts, especially within our community.