Cyber Safety Tips: Protecting Retirees in the Digital World

7 Feb 2023

Technology has changed the way we live, work and communicate, but it has also opened the door to new dangers and scams. Here are some tips to help us all stay safe online and avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.

  1. Use strong passwords: A strong password should be at least 8 characters long, include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easily guessable information, such as your name or birthdate, in your password. Change your passwords frequently to minimize the risk of theft, and consider a password manager to store all of your passwords securely.
  2. Educate yourself on common scams: Be aware of the latest scams and frauds, such as the recent “hi mum” text messages, fake tech support calls, and data hacks. Never transfer money or send personal information to a bank account for the first time without verifying the legitimacy and details in person or over the phone with your direct contact, even if they claim to be from a trusted source. As an example, at Clifton we have recently instigated a new step, asking all of our clients to call and speak to their sales manager by phone to verbally verify the correct bank account details before transferring us any payments.
  3. Be cautious of suspicious emails or messages: Be wary of emails or messages that ask for personal information, such as your login credentials or credit card number. Legitimate companies will never ask you to send them sensitive information via email. Before responding to an email or clicking on a link, verify the sender by checking the email address or contacting the sender directly (by another means, such as a phone call to).
  4. Keep software and security programs up to date: Software updates often include important security fixes, so it’s important to keep your computer and devices updated. Make sure that you have a reputable antivirus and anti-malware program installed and that it is updated regularly.
  5. Store important information securely: Store important information, such as financial records, securely and only access them on trusted devices and password protect all of your devices.
  6. Be sceptical of unsolicited phone calls: Be wary of unsolicited phone calls from people claiming to be tech support or representatives from a well-known company. Legitimate companies will not call you unsolicited to ask for personal information. If you receive a call that you believe to be a scam, hang up and do not respond.
  7. If in doubt, don’t respond: If you receive a message or phone call that you believe to be a scam, hang up or delete the message and do not respond. Report the incident to the relevant authorities and consider changing your passwords to prevent further damage.

By following these basic cyber safety tips, we can stay safe online and enjoy the many benefits of technology without fear of cybercrime. Remember to be cautious, informed, and vigilant, and you can stay safe in the digital world.